Hi8 Conversion: Major Benefits of Hi8 Conversion into A Digital Format


Memories are timeless treasure of the heart 

Sometimes we don’t realize how good old days were until they are gone and we are left with empty hands. All we have are thoughts without visuals. Though our elders and forefathers have preserved the old beautiful memories, we don’t have access to it. 

For instance, many of you possess videos that are recorded in Hi8 format that hold the old precious memories but have now become obsolete because of new prevailing technology driven formats.   

The good part is that there is a chance of reliving those moments or to retain old memories through Hi8 conversion. You can safely guards old tapes and memories and can preserve them for the coming generation. 

There are numerous other benefits of Hi8 conversion into digital format that we will discuss in this article. So, let’s start without any further ado! 

Benefits of Hi8 conversion into a digital format 

1. Preserve memories that are close to your heart 

There are memories of moments that we never wanted to pass. Though we can’t stop the time, we can conserve those moments to cherish them for life and with generations to come. Converting your old tapes into digital format does exactly that for you. 

It will enable you to pop the DVD video into your player and go back in time to relive your family’s history. Don’t just talk to your children about all those years when you were growing up, let them see your story right before their eyes. 

Moreover, by digitizing them, you protect your films and prevent them from deteriorating over time.

2. Prevent loss of data 

Hi8 format is considered rare because of the fast development in the audio and video industry. They are fragile and thus, are prone to lose data that they hold. They have a disadvantage of disintegrating over time and once damaged, you just can’t retain them. 

It is vital to opt for Hi8 conversion into digital format as soon as possible as you can otherwise lose your treasure forever. So, the only way to gain peace of mind and ensure your videos with your friends and loved ones are safe is to opt for a digital transfer. 

3. Relive old times with minimal hassle 

Even if you are a person who has nothing to do with technology, you must have noticed that technologies are constantly evolving. This dilemma can be seen in the case of Hi8 tapes. 

They require projectors and other related equipment which are no longer in use or have become rarer on the market. Their application is also complicated. 

On the other hand, with a DVD, the viewer is in the driver's seat. DVD makes it possible to jump around, to replay a favorite sequence, and to skip material you already know. With a DVD, you can use menus and chapter points to let the viewer decide what to view and when.  

4. A gift that will stand out of the rest 

Gifting is a hard nut to crack. You need to ensure that you pick something that can make the receiver happy. It takes days to decide the apt gift that aligns with the choices and requirements of the receiver. 

What could be a better gift than your family's photos and films beautifully rendered into a treasured DVD video reminding us of our loved ones and the times spent together.  

This will surely bring a smile on their face and they will never forget your heartfelt gift of treasured memories. 


Hi8 conversion into digital is a blessing that will enable you to

immortalize your valuable memories. These memories with the people closest to your heart make a significant impact on your life and thus, need to be preserved prior to their damage beyond recovery.


